Title: Dandelion - Kinder Scout Curlews & the Woolpacks - Fleece Blanket
Design Range: Idyll
Size: 146 cm x 96 cm
Pattern: Dandelion to top and white fleece to the underneath
Created: Feb 2022
Fabric: Fleece - extra thick, super soft.
Finish: Blanket stitch, 40mm radius round corners
Weight: 285g
Wash at 30°C
Made in the UK
Artist: Si Homfray
Kinder Scout Curlews & the Woolpacks - sculptured by the weather and time.
This pen line drawing is an interpretation of the amazing natural sculpture park, the woolpacks, on top of Kinder Scout. One of the great natural wonders of the Peak District, these forms take amazing shapes, created by the weather alone. An inspirational visit to rival the magic of Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the work of Henry Moore. Well worth the time it takes to get there. The two Curlews are an iconic representation of these birds’ lifelong fidelity. The highly coloured view of the landscape and the naive style are representative of the artists’ optimistic outlook and his love for this area of the world.
Please note: This product is supplied directly from our manufacturer.
It is crafted after you order it, on demand, by a manufacturing team in the UK, then posted directly to you.
It will arrive separately from any other items you may have ordered, which will come from stock held here in Hathersage in the Peak District.