Pop Up Spring Fayre - A Marquee in Hathersage
Save the date for the weekend...
Sat Apr 12th to Sun Apr 13th, 10am to 5pm
Summer '24 NEWS
Summer is here - A lot has happened and a lot more is going to happen - yey!
An unabashed celebration of positivity is what is required and this summer is going to be a good one in the land of Park Designs celebration of the joy of everything upbeat.
- A New Exhibition ‘Lost and Found’ is announced
- Mugs are fully back in stock
- Its now easier to find things with 2 new website pages
- New products are going to continuously appear very soon
- Park Designs is still moving forward
Moving everything forward
So what’s coming and what’s new
There will be new lines across the board, and a few lovely surprises to boot. Uncharacteristically I’m going to keep sshttum until this actually happens to make it more worthwhile.
With a business hat on I have quietly building the business behind the scenes finding new suppliers and new products at good prices.
As an artist I have been committing to and deciding what is really important to say and as a designer I have been making sure that the quality keeps going upwards.
Just thank you
Thank you for being so patient with me, thank you for staying the course. I am so proud of my customers and suppliers, many of whom have become friends now. The following is growing quite quickly at the moment which is both flattering and humbling since I feel that constant frustration to deliver the next piece and strive to do so relentlessly.
New Products page and a Special Offer page.
The best way for us to move forward was to create a couple of pages on the website. This way the latest products can automatically pop up as they appear at the top of a page and customers don’t have to go through the whole website to find the special offers.
Special Offers Page
There is FREE DELIVERY on all orders if you use the code PDFREE24 at checkout
Please Note: Only one code can be used at a time.
A New Exhibition
A NEW departure featuring completely new work coming this Autumn.
Si is putting together a series of 'one offs'. He will be hand building original artworks from full scale sculptural steel/wood/paper interactive pieces to small 3D wall art.
‘Lost and Found’
‘This latest artistic work from si homfray explores new ways of looking at your best life. A thoughtful and artistic exploration of the many things you probably need to bring with you, and a few you don’t, to make the most of your biggest journey - life itself’.
Opening October running into November 2024.
with fundraising auction to follow.
More details to follow in the next newsletter.
Park Designs the business
Always striving to be different, to stand out from the crowd and deliver something that is truly heartfelt, positive, meaningful and something you can believe in.
Park Designs still stands for what it has always stood for…
- 1 Quality - Striving for the best products and professional practises
- 2 Product - that is actually useful and art that is meaning full
- 3 Care - for everyone concerned with the project, customers and suppliers alike. Care for everything and how it is made, an environmental sensitivity
- 4 Passion - A heartfelt love for everything outdoors, the flora and fauna we need to treasure, from National Parks to the smallest patches of loved greenery in our cities.
Living by my principles...
It would be the easier road to sell everyone something with designs and art they may have seen before, to deliver the same old familiarity, but with my artists head on I can’t. With my business head on I can see why I should perhaps compromise, but my dad would never have let me do compromise. His favourite quote after a lifetime of working for big business was ‘be fired with enthusiasm or be fired with enthusiasm’.
I’ll take that dad and will continue to live by it.
On the subject of quality and price
A few NEW Prices and Pricing.
As you are probably well aware I have worked hard to keep prices consistent from day one and for the most part most prices haven’t gone up for nearly six years now. I have made sure there have been no big price hikes and that there has been a pricing consistency with no surprises. This philosophy remains steadfast today.
The exception being the beautiful work of Duchess China and the Fine Bone China Mugs who have had to raise their prices with the last batch.
Duchess 1888 and their ceramic work is now in the very best of British retailers and I am so proud to be supplied by them alongside the great names of Fortnum and Masons, Harrods, Chatsworth House, The House of Commons and most of the top British designers, in fact just about anyone who is anyone these days retailing the Best ceramics in the world.
Thankyou for reading.
Love and Kindest,
Lost & Found- A New Exhibition
A NEW departure featuring all original work coming this Autumn.
Si is putting together a series of 'one offs' original artworks from full scale sculptural steel/wood/paper interactive pieces to small 3D wall art.
Lost and Found
‘This latest artistic work from si homfray explores new ways of looking at your best life. A thoughtful and artistic exploration of the many things you probably need to bring with you, and a few you don’t, to make the most of your biggest journey - life itself’.
Opening October running into November 2024.
with fundraising auction to follow.
More details to follow
‘Fans, friends and followers of Si will find the long anticipated new larger scale ‘sculptural’ pieces, and some unusual fusions of materials and objects.
A series of original pieces, fun playful and interactive - it promises to be a joy.’
The Great British Treasure Hunt
The Great British Treasure Hunt
49 packages of treasure are being hidden around the great beauty spots of this country’s national parks and most treasured visitor attractions.
Each parcel celebrates a very special word and launches another word from the magic forest’s system for wellbeing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Every week new treasure with a new word is being hidden.
All you have to do is find it at the location described and using the What 3 Words clues.
#12 Commit - Lake District - tbc
#11 Sleep - Lake District - tbc
13 Humility - Lake District - Stickle Tarn - infinite.latest.wolves
10 Safety Hathersage Peak District horns.spruced.friend
Found: Bal Kaur - 30-11-2022
9 Tribe Brecon Beacons Pen Y Fan online.cakes.technical
8 Friends Peak District Padley Gorge varieties.snail.urgent
Found?: Visitors are reporting this as found - but I have had no notification yet.
7 Honesty Peak District Birchens Edge deleting.internet.hobble
Found: Dean Wilson - 11-12-2022
6 Happiness Peak District Win Hill flocking.goose.moment
5 Confidence Lake District Helvellyn last.nooks.unable
Status: Package disappeared with the summit cairn.
4 Giving Peak District Castleton, Cavedale puppy.presume.thrusters - Found: Janice Rush
3 Bravery Peak District Stanage Edge - Unconquerables trout.grass.former Found: David Blewett
2 Sharing Snowdonia Tryfan judge.spindles.noises
1 Kindness Peak District Laurencefield devalued.lemmings.this ( previously: carpentry.ending.pancake )
Found: Zoe Burrows - 19-11-2022
Inside every tin is a minimum of:
• 50% Discount card off any Park Designs products online or in store
• 1st edition A5 Fine Art print of the word, a limited edition print
• Usually a T Shirt
Thank you for reading and good luck hunting!
New Exhibition - Eye of the Beholder
New Exhibition coming very soon…
eye of the beholder
‘An artistic examination of the extraordinary fine detail and elegance that already exists in the natural world contrasted with the finest contemporary digital pattern’.
Si has been working on creating a totally new graphic design style for a long time now and this collection of works will highlight the wonderful detail of the natural world and highly colourful contrasting pattern abstracts.
This celebration will be presented through a series of featured living things, the collected focus of the new works.
from march 2nd 2024
an exhibition by si homfray
to be held in the
Park Designs Hathersage Gallery & Shop
3a Hathersage Business Park,
Heather Lane,
S32 1DP
A very successful book launch - a few pictures and a video…
There are so many takeaways for this weekend… but the most important one is there was
a whole lot of love

The event glowed from start to finish with an open, all embracing team of kindly individuals and a steady flow of new and existing customers who quickly grasped the sentiment behind the event.
The people involved with and surrounding the whole Park Designs project from the start have been extraordinary. #somanygoodfriends
Wonderful, kind, warm people who enthuse as much as I do about the wellbeing project, my art and the general feeling that has embraced everything and still does, a glow of pride and a sense of warmth that emanates from the sharing and being all part of the same thing.
It’s a warm thing that we all know is necessary right now.
Love as always
Browse: the Magic Forest products

The Magic Forest - Official Book launch and Art Exhibition
Book launch & art exhibition
A magic acorn for today
Fri 28th to Sun 30th July 2023
Open all weekend, Trafalgar warehouse, 120 Trafalgar Street, Sheffield, S1 4JT
Free admission, everyone welcome
The official launch of the Magic Forest, Come and see the book, see the art exhibition, shop in the magic forest or listen to a talk about the extensive design process by local Peak District artist Si Homfray.
Come and join Si for the book launch, all the the new art and more...
Over the weekend
- Art exhibition - 100 + exhibits
- Book signing - over the w/e
- Shop - Art and products from the new and existing ranges
- Presentations
- Food, drink, seating & music available everyday
- Bar until 10pm Fri and Sat
FREE Goody bag to the first 100 visitors. may contain Magic Beans !
Friday 28th July
1pm Open - 10pm Close
3pm Official book launch,
Press opportunities.
6pm Presentation by Si about the process and thinking behind the system
Saturday 29th July
10am Open - 10pm Close
6pm Presentation by Si about the process and thinking behind the system
Sunday 30th July
10am - 4pm Close
Trafalgar Warehouse, Sheffield, S Yorks. S1 4JT
‘Lovingly conceived, created and crafted over a decade, the system is as simple to embrace as it is visually original’.
The Magic Forest
a complete system for wellbeing.
A fun and easy to use system of 7 trees and 49 keywords.
A unique, simple framework that clearly identifies the most important areas for your total wellbeing. Find your own answers to all the questions for your best self.
A magic acorn for today
The Magic Forest system is the life’s work and creation of Peak District based designer and artist Si Homfray. It is now available as a book and a series of exciting new products.
This is the first work of its kind, the tone of the words, the accessible nature of the presentation, the original art and the overall simplicity of strong and colourful key areas makes an interesting impact.
The book is clearly a system, presented as keywords around a framework of trees, the fundamental areas of all of our lives to be examined and it makes for an exciting exhibition and an original piece of art overall and in itself, if only because of the volume of work and the range of craft that has gone into its creation.
It has been very consciously designed as much to intrigue and inspire self-questioning as it is to help you grow your own Magic Forest out of the today’s ‘real problem’, the modern forest of online contradiction and confusion.
The basic premise and an inclusive process.
The starting point was to create an index or summary of everything to be examined. Si set out to create the simplest framework or system possible for self-examination. The project, by his design nature and the need to simplify and communicate in as clear a way as possible, eventually came out of this long and thorough process as some universal truths, backed up by all the friends, colleagues and customers he had worked with to achieve this work along the way.
‘Lovingly conceived, created and crafted over a decade, the system is as simple to embrace as it is visually original’.
A working model for everyone and the book he wished for as a young man.
Frustrated by a lifetime of reading contradictory literature, Si set out to find the simplest way or looking at his own life. This cathartic process was partly motivated by the need to write something for his son and partly to lay to rest a lifetime of personal questioning on his own self-improvement. The end result delivered some unexpected surprises…
‘We are all more similar than we are different, we all need each other and kindness is everything.’
It ultimately created a framework of questions, suggestions and quotations that his thirteen year old self would have loved and would have been grateful for. It produced a system to work through, to build your personal wellbeing and stay strong. It felt good to use and gave him goosebumps. The Magic Forest and the nature of wellbeing.
The Magic Forest and the nature of wellbeing
a complete wellbeing system
‘The Magic Forest is a visual system for wellbeing. It is a succinct and elegant system that allows the reader, whether novice or expert, to tackle the complex learning required for complete and balanced physical and mental health - one keyword at a time in a clearly understandable way.’
A fun and easy to use system of 7 trees and 49 keywords.
A unique framework that clearly identifies all the areas for your total wellbeing. Find your own answers for your best self.
A magic book with magic beans
‘The Magic Forest and the nature of wellbeing’
launches on the 28th July 2023. It is a new genre of book and a revolutionary new way of looking at wellbeing.
Official Launch
The Magic Forest officially launches at
3pm on Friday 28th July at Trafalgar warehouse in the centre of Sheffield S1 4JT.
The book ‘system’, is in essence an elegant forty nine word system growing from seven trees, a framework that encompasses all aspects of wellbeing providing a complete structure to examine our lives from every angle.
‘Deceptively simple, this book covers all the key aspects of mental and physical health to be explored and understood in the reader’s own time, leaving you empowered with a knowledge and reassurance that it is possible to work your own way through to your best life.’
The book, notebook and accompanying key card tools are the life’s work and creation of Peak District based designer and artist Si Homfray. Lovingly conceived, created and crafted over a decade, it is as simple to embrace as it is visually original.
Come and join Si and friends for what is being billed as the beginning of ‘something special’, and at the very least an exciting new exhibition and a friendly atmosphere in these times where some renewed positivity and a smile are so needed.
Over the weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- Art exhibition - 100 + exhibits
- Book signing - over the weekend
- Shop - Art and products from the new and existing ranges
- 6pm Presentations and a talk by Si about the process and thinking behind the system
- Food, drink, seating & music available everyday
Bar until 10pm Fri and Sat
Products from 28th July
Copies of the book, accompanying products as well as a range of art and launch items will be available online through the website:
The Magic Forest and the nature of wellbeing
ISBN 978-1-7394657-0-4
192pp Hardback
The Magic Forest... the first acorns are in the ground.
The Magic Forest and the nature of wellbeing.
A simple visual system of wellbeing for the modern world.
This system has been developed by Si Homfray.
So the Magic Forest is now finally underway. The first work is out there as a T Shirt and the art for the seven main areas is about to be launched. 10 years on and my enthusiasm for this project remains completely undimmed.
"After half a lifetime of searching for a single answer to life’s challenges, Si Homfray found clarity after a motorbike accident changed the course of his life. Now he is hoping to help others to achieve wellbeing in a conflicted and complicated world through his new artistic project."
A big challenge
As a young man, I always found life really, really confusing and I felt lost.
I always wanted a structure to understand what it was all about. I think you could call it an existential crisis from a young age.
I did a lot of running and climbing, which helped me keep a sort of balance but it didn’t give me any answers. I knew climbing was good for me, but I didn’t know why.
In the 1980s and ‘90s, I read a lot of self-help books – which were giving dogmatic, overly prescriptive advice, much of it conflicting. I read several psychotherapy texts but nothing gave me a simple structure that made any sense to work to.
I couldn’t find a really simple structure that looked at mental health and physical health together or a system I could work with every day that really dealt with both areas equally.
My travels allowed me to do some deep soul searching, with some occasional hard core self deprecating existential philosophy. I learned to like myself then, but it wasn’t until may years later, perhaps only then seeing the wood for the trees of the forest, that I realised that the solution to finding a structure for understanding all round wellbeing was truly multi-faceted and that all the areas overlapped in a very joined up way, this was the real challenge graphically for me.
There isn’t one answer to achieve wellbeing – it’s not simply about your health, your fitness and your relationships. It’s about many aspects of life. I have kept asking what are they?
There is plenty of advice out there, but nothing really seemed comprehensive and nearly all of it seemed conflicted.
I takes time, and it's very much a together process
My graphic artistic journey started back 10 years ago, as part of my application to do an MA in Graphic Art at the Royal College of Art. Such a high bar demanded a high degree of obsessive detail, a big step back and reworking of my beliefs and perception of the world. It also needed a really strong clear look at all the issues surrounding this challenge. With all this heavyweight mental pressure briefed into my mind I started to examine ideas and words one at a time for next few years.
Time passed by quickly as I set up the new business, found my own personal confidence and rebuilt my personal view of the world with a much stronger sense of being part of the whole world than before.
It is only recently, over the last four or five years, that these ideas, concepts and visual works have crystalised and I am really proud to say I seemed to have finally worked out my own system, the magic forest, a simple committed structure with some clearly important key points that apply to the human condition on what’s really important.
Hopefully as it unfolds publicly in new art works and new products developed from this structured plan it will deliver some of these insights in a warm and engaging way. I would love for people to identify with something relevant for themselves through these works, and if I do the work to my best, hopefully it will all seem quite straightforward and clear to understand.
Then when we have all achieved this together through artwork, feedback and conversation, I can finish and publish a book which in the spirit of the project will could possibly deliver some of the magic as a special aha moment? I hope! A big ask!
Meanwhile, thank you for your patience with me and may I ask that if you have time or inclination you can feedback and visit me to discuss any aspects that may tickle your interest?
Kindest as ever,
: )
There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio...
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Shakespeare - Hamlet.
So it's Wednesday, it’s busy at work, I’m emotionally and physically drained from some pretty long days and nights… so it’s time to get out and go for a run. I keep stalling and delaying the get out of your seat, but Lorna’s at work pushing me - get out and get some fresh air - I have no idea why I delayed, but eventually I’m out and on the way up Win Hill. It’s a profoundly important hill to quite a few people, friends included, and my former friend, and constant nagging ‘kick up the arse’ memory the Major, Lt Col Thomas Pollak whose ashes are buried up there, complete with a bottle of Scotch for his running friends to dip into, as and when appropriate. Which is most times.
I have been on a bit of a down, work as a self employed person who works isolated and alone for the vast amount of their life, is always a toughie. Finding these moments to recharge are key to keeping going and today is no different. I am tired, fed up and in need of reassurance that I am on the right path. I’m full of doubt about my project. Will people like what I write? Will it make sense? Have I made it simple enough? 10 years of invested energy in this project is quite a lot, I imagine, by anybody’s standards.
So I am searching my mind for one of those mini epiphanies, one of those treasured idea moments where you go ‘Oh of course, that’s it!’ ‘That makes sense’ and of course ‘people will see what I am trying to say.’
I should elaborate, I am carrying the word ‘happiness’ from my massively abridged system of wonderful words, the Magic Forest, as a treasure hunt prize. Basically it’s a tin with a little print, a T-Shirt and a discount voucher worth a few bob as its a 50% off thing. I hide it, and find the What 3 words (W3W) location and people find it using their W3W app.
I ‘d like to point out I chose the word carefully for Win Hill. There are so many personal memories on that hill, running up and down the steepest 1000’ of Peak District hill. It is well known to people wanting a fast track to physical strength and a great short 10k run. I have been doing this since the 1980’s as have many friends, so it’s a special place as indeed is the amazing word ‘Happiness’ a key word, chased by many, in the pursuit of their wellbeing, but more of that another day. All that is important is that it is key and treasured.
So it’s dark clouds overhead, and I summit, it starts to rain and a rainbow appears. Blimey! It’s only the brightest full rainbow I have ever seen, or ever photographed for that matter, It has the elusive pen umbra second arc as well.
Oh my goodness. I hear Tom’s profanity in my ears, kicking me up the arse to get a shot and I realise the end of the rainbow is pointing directly at his rock, where his ashes are.
Goosebumps. I am welling up. I miss the old bugger. I always will and it’s as if he’s saying hello you ‘civvie crap hat’ ( a military form of not so endearment) from the old box down there… ‘You know homfray it’ll all be alright in the end you know.’ I ask him whether they have let him into heaven, or whether he is stuck at the gates.
Now I’m not religious, I am certainly spiritual, but I don’t believe. I kind of wish I did. Perhaps this is a great moment to revise this particular aspect of my belief, but I am too busy being moved and all emotional. I’m not afraid to say I had a little weep until I heard Tom tell me to ‘stop being so soft.’
I’m all alone up there, which is very unusual these post pandemic days of the huge upsurge in outdoor activities, so the whole feeling is exaggerated.
Wow! Deep breath. Still no answer, but I know the answer, I know it is meant to be, a reassurance from Tom and maybe his new drinking pals up there in t’heaven.
Whatever he was, a serious soldier who broke all records on special forces selection, a doctor, a landlord, a para, the best shot in the army, all records held for a big number of years, the doctor who created new systems for operating on evacuating soldiers in flight out of war zones, my dearest friend, an inspirational drinker, raconteur in Alpine huts he was without doubt ‘a straight to the point man’ who cared for his mates, all their lives in my case, and now he is still here with me. As irreverent and pugilistically challenging as when he was alive.
It’ll be right. I am reassured, I make a mini video, but the stupid selfie stand blows over much to my heavenly overlooker’s amusement, and I am tasked to get on with my run. But whoah, wait a minute, I still have to bury the treasure. Despite all evidence pointing to the very existence of greater forces, I still have to hide this geocache tin in the rocks up here.
I find a small crack and hide the tin, I go up and above the gritstone rocks and fire up the W3W app.
Now I know W3W is always building amazingly improbable stories from its 3 words, but the app is showing ‘flocking.goose.moment, OMG literally what the heaven?
Thank you Tom. I am convinced there are greater forces out there we really have no idea about. I can’t prove whether any of this exists. I can do the maths and look at probabilities, but really all that matters to me at my ripe old age now is that I had a chat with a much missed pal, he really had a laugh proving beyond doubt, contrary to all religious protocols that it isn’t necessary to prove the existence of any higher being and I have found a new confidence and happiness in everything I am doing for now.
Bless you forever.
33 years ago, way back in 1989 !!!
Si was cutting a slightly different path before the giant circle coming around and the Park Designs idea was seeded.
Here’s the text and Sheffield Star newspaper cutting that helped launch his first business.
Simon’s bed idea is just what the doctor ordered!
Former Sheffield medical student Simon Homfray has swapped his stethoscope for a saw and is now making Japanese futon beds for the rich and famous!
Simon who studied for a medical degree at Sheffield University, is turning out such a successful range of futons that they have even got the Royal seal of approval.
When the Prince of Wales visited Sheffield last week, he insisted on one of his security men try out one of Simon’s Such Design unfolding sofa beds, and said he thought it was “great”.
The futons being exhibited as part of the Business in the Community conference also impressed former Olympic javelin gold medallist Tessa Sanderson and Body Shop boss Anita Roddick, who ordered two each.
For Simon, it is quite a tale of entrepreneurial spirit with a sudden swerve from the highly-vocational career of a doctor.
“They threw me out of medical school!” admits Simon. He failed one of his final exams by the skin of his teeth and a BMA-backed appeal was turned down.
And, with a wry reference to a two-month, 380-mile charity run across the Himalayas he completed a couple of years ago, he said: “And I had raised £1,000 for the spinal injuries unit at Lodge Moor Hospital!”
After a spell working in marketing and advertising, Simon set about making furniture, starting with just a saw and sandpaper. Several friends gave him orders, and he found futons were becoming more and more popular.
Hand-crafted in 25-year-old Simon’s Pitt Street workshop, the Japanese sofa beds are made with specially-constructed bases, quality calico and pure cotton filling.
His converted warehouse workshop and showroom also serves as his home, and he employs four full-time and a variety of part-time staff.
Many of his workers are climbing friends, a sport which is Simon’s great hobby.
[ ENDS }
Copy thanks to Donna Saul and the Sheffield Star.